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發(fā)布日期:2017年06月21日 | 標(biāo)簽:
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本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Array PDRS System。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Array & CF Macro System。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Array TCU System。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Array Wet Etch & Stripper & HDC & HFC。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
化學(xué)氣相沉積廢氣處理機(jī)/ 離子注入廢氣處理機(jī)
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Array CVD & Implanter Scrubber System。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Array PR Analyzer & Al Acid Analyzer & H*C*O* Analyzer。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
框膠涂布機(jī)/ 液晶滴下機(jī)
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Cell Seal Dispenser & LC Dispenser System。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Cell PI Photo Alignment。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
本設(shè)備主要用于FEOL區(qū)域檢測roller mark/背面裂紋/刮傷,通過CCD檢測PI印刷精度。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Cell PI Transfer System。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Cell APR Cleaner。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of Cell O* Generator。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
本設(shè)備主要用于LTPS(Oxide) LCD/AMOLED of PI PA Dry Cleaner & ODF Dry Cleaner。要求該設(shè)備結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)合理,采用先進(jìn)成熟技術(shù),保證系統(tǒng)具有良好的動態(tài)品質(zhì),在操作過程中操作者的視線要好。所選控制系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行元件精度高,可靠性好,響應(yīng)速度快。設(shè)備使用、操作、維修方便,造型美觀,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,整機(jī)運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,售后服務(wù)優(yōu)良。
招標(biāo)文件領(lǐng)購地點(diǎn):**********, ********路**號國海廣場A座新中電大廈**層
其他說明:請各投標(biāo)人登陸**********招標(biāo)采購網(wǎng)http://bidding.ceiec.com.cn/ 進(jìn)行招標(biāo)文件的購買和下載。
投標(biāo)截止時間(開標(biāo)時間):****-**-** **:**
聯(lián)系方式 :+** *** **** ****
聯(lián)系方式 :***-********;***-********
*.Bidding Conditions
Overview:Wuhan CSOT G* LTPS(Oxide)LCD/AMOLED Display Project
Source of Funds:ok
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:ok
*.Bidding Content:
Bidding No:*****************/***
Project Name:Wuhan CSOT G* LTPS(Oxide)LCD/AMOLED Display Project
Place of Implementation:Wuhan Hubei
List of Products:
Product Name
Main Technical Data
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
Array Macro
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
Array TCU
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
Stripper& Pre ELA HFC& Pre SD HFC& Alone HFC& HDC& Alone HDC
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
CVD Scrubber& Implanter Scrubber
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
PR Analyzer
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
Seal Dispenser& LC Dispenser
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
PI Photo Alignment
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
PI Macro Inspection
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
PI Transfer System
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
APR Cleaner
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
O* Generator
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
ODF Dry Cleaner/ PI PA Dry Cleaner
This system is required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected for the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactory in after-sale service.
*.Qualification Requirements For Bidder
Qualifications or Performance:Bidders are legal persons or other organizations who participate in bidding. This Invitation for Bids is open to all suppliers from within the People's Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as "PRC") and all countries/areas which have regular traderelations with PRC. Bidders must pay for the bidding documents and register for the record, otherwise the bidder has no qualification to attend the bid.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
*.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:****-**-**
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:****-**-**
Sell bidding doc online or not:No
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
Place:Bidding Documents Selling Counter, Level **, New CEIEC Building, No. ** Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China
Price of Bidding Documents: see Bidding Documents
Additional Instructions:The bidder needs to register before the tender on . And the evaluation results will be released on
*.Bid Submission
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):****-**-** **:**
Place of Bid:CEIEC, Level **, New CEIEC Building, No. ** Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China
Place of Bid Opening:CEIEC, Level **, New CEIEC Building, No. ** Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China
*.The bidder needs to register before the tender on . And the evaluation results will be released on
*.Contact Details
Purchasers:Wuhan China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd
Add.:NO. * .ZuoLing road ZuoLing Street Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone,WuhanHubei,China
Contact:LI weiping
Tel:** *** **** ****
Bidding Agency:CEIEC
Add.:New CEIEC Building, No. ** Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China
Contact:Gao Pan,Zhao Tianshu
Tel :***- ********;***- ********


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